On January 3rd the Sons of Italy held it annual installation of officers dinner and ceremony. This years slate of officers are as followed;


President Antonio Cusano, Vice President Gerry Triano, Recording Secretary Alex Ricciardone,

Treasurer Mike Diorio, Financial Secretary Alex Torone, Sergeant of Arms Luigi Lacedra,

Auxiliary Officer Arther Secondo,

Board of Directors

Michael Nanfito, Carmine Menone, Robert Mierzejewski, Robert Triano, Mike MassarelliBoard of Trustees

Mario Leonetti, Phil Coco, Domenic Perone Jr., Tony Taracsio, Louis Grimaldi

From Left to right

Back Row Dom Perone jr. Robert Triano, Louis Grimaldi, Mike Diorio, Antonio Cusano, Robert Mierzejewski, Carmine Menone

Seated Luigi Ciniglio, Gerry Triano, Dan Campagnano, Mario Leonetti

Missing in the group photo are

Alex Ricciardone, Alex Torone, Mike Nanfito, Mike Massarelli, Luigi Lacedra, Art Secondo